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Ms. Sindhu T. S.

M.A., M.Phil.

Department of 


Assistant Professor

Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:

Number of Journal Publications:


Number of Conference Presentations:


  • Women Empowerment

  • Health Economics

Research Projects

Journal Publications

  1. "Tibetan's higher Education - A Socio Economic outlook, A Case Study in Chennai", Indian Economic Journal The Indian Economic Association 91st Annual conference “Education, Growth and Development” - volume part-II on December 2008,

  2. “Economic view of middle income groups cardiac care services In private hospitals with special reference to metropolitan city of Chennai”-cognitive discourses international multidisciplinary journal-eISSN 2347-5692,pISSN 2321-1075,volume4 in January 2017(NON UGC)

Conference Presentations

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended

  1. Attended State level seminar on “sustainability of India’s Growth-challenges before the policy makers” participated on 8th February 2008 at Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for women, Chennai.

  2. Attended workshop on “Data Analysis in Economics using Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS)”organized by Department of Economics from 10th-12th January 2008 at Ethiraj College for women, Chennai.

  3. Attended workshop on “Role and Importance of SPSS in Research” held on 3rd&4th August2012 at Shri Krishnaswamy College for women, Chennai.

  4. Attended National level seminar on “Dynamics of modern business-strategies and tools for Enhancement” Presented a paper entitled on “socio-cultural quandary of women managers in India.” organised by the Department of Business studies held on 18th December 2012 at Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for women, Chennai.

  5. Attended State level workshop on Emerging Horizons in HR organised by Alpha arts and Science College on 17th &18th October 2016.

  6. Attended a workshop on “Self-Awareness and Higher goals in Education” organised by the Department of Humanities & social sciences and Mechanical Engineering,IIT Madras during 29 May-02 june 2017.


Other Achievements