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Ms. Roobini M.

M.Sc., M.Phil.

Department of 

Computer Science

Assistant Professor

Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:

Number of Journal Publications:

Number of Conference Presentations:


  • Programming in C, C++

  • UNIX & Shell Programming

  • Database Management Systems.

  • Cryptography & Network Security.

Research Projects

Journal Publications

Conference Presentations

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended

  1. Attended "Network and Security Workshop" Under ISEA-Phase-II Project, Organized by NIELIT, Chennai.

  2. Attended "A Skill building Program OORJA" Organised by Microsoft, March 2018.

  3. Participated in "Kaizen Robotics Program", Organized by LEMA LABS, Chennai.


Other Achievements