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Ms. Padma N.

M.A., M.Phil.

Department of 


Professor Emeritus

Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:


Number of Journal Publications:


Number of Conference Presentations:



  • Health Economics

  • Quantitative Economics

  • Econometrics

Research Projects

  1. Status of Infrastructural Facilities in neighbourhood development – A Case Study of Kodambakkam and Vadapalani, Minor Research Project, Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust, 2005-06

Journal Publications

  1. Co-author of Article on “Life of the Elderly – An Interstate Comparison”, published in International Academic Journal of Applied Economics in November 2012. Vol 3. ISSN 2229-564.

  2. Co-author of " Text Book on International Economics” Sultan Chand Publishers, New Delhi 2004 Chapter on ‘ Efficiency and Equity Criteria in Health Care Provision’ in the Book ‘Health Economics’, Allied Publishers 1992

Conference Presentations

  1. Presented a paper on “Some observations on select Macroeconomic Aggregates in India” in the National Seminar on Macroeconomics and Empirical Estimation organized by Ethiraj College, Chennai 11-12 March 2011

  2. Presented a paper on ‘An Assessment of Status of Women in Tamil Nadu’ in State level seminar on “Tamil Nadu Economy in 2020 – Potentials and Challenges" organised by Quaid-E-Millath Government College for Women, Chennai held on 19.2.2009.

  3. Presented a paper titled “Life of the Elderly – An Interstate Comparison” in the National Seminar on "Economic Growth, Poverty and Human Development" conducted by Madras University School of Economics (Department of Economics and Econometrics), University of Madras, Chennai sponsored by UGC-SAP and TamilNadu State Planning Commission held on 6th February, 2008

  4. Presented a paper on ‘Disparities in Deve lopment in Tamil Nadu – Some Observations’ in UGC sponsored national level seminar on seminar on “Development Divide” organized by Stella Maris College, Chennai, held on 13-14, Dec. 2006

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended

  1. Attended a Refresher Course conducted by Academic staff College,University of Madras,Chennai,Sponsored by UGC,1998.

  2. Attended a Refresher Course in "Information Technology as a Tool For Teaching",conducted by Stella Maris College(Autonomous),Chennai,Sponsored by UGC.

  3. Attended a Orientation Programme conducted by Academic Staff College,University of Madras,Chennai,Sponsored by UGC, from 5.11.2013 to 2.12. 2013.

  4. Attended one day Training Programme for Teachers/Association Professor on "Challenges in Inclusive Education of Students with Hearing Impairment " held on 18th July,2013,organized by State Resource Cum Training Centre,Chennai.

  5. Attended a 3-day Workshop on “Time Series Modeling” organized by Madras School of Economics during October 2009

  6. Attended 5-day Faculty Development Programme on “Banking and Financial Services” conducted by ICICI Bank from 3.12.2007 to 7.12.2007

  7. A one day Workshop on ‘Multivariate Data Analysis using Open Source Software’ conducted by the Department of Management Studies, University of Madras, Chennai on 20.7.2006

  8. A 3-day Workshop on the ‘’Applications of SPSS in Business and Social Research’ organised by the ICFAI Business School, Chennai during 28 – 30, July 2004.

  9. Workshop on “Quantitative Techniques and Computer Applications in Social Sciences” during 1.2.2008 to 9.2.2008


Other Achievements

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