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Ms. Anbarasi S.

M.C.A., M.Phil.

Department of 

Computer Science

Assistant Professor

Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:

Number of Journal Publications:

Number of Conference Presentations:


  • Programming in C++, JAVA

  • Data Mining

  • Database Management Systems.

Research Projects

Journal Publications

Conference Presentations

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended

  1. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Pedagogy of Class Room Teaching" at School of Science and Humanities, SASTRA University.

  2. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on "Information Technology Usage in Education" at School of Computer Application, SASTRA University.

  3. Attended International conference on "Recent Trends in Computing Technology - ICRTCT ", February 2016.

  4. Attended "Network and Security Workshop" Under ISEA-Phase-II Project, Organized by NIELIT, Chennai.

  5. Attended "A Skill building Program OORJA" Organised by Microsoft, March 2018.

  6. Attended "Cyber Security Workshop (Application Security)" Organized by EWIT, STPI, ISACA, December 2019, Chennai.


Other Achievements

  1. Coordinated "National Level Technical Level Symposium, "PROGYAN 09"", at School of Management, SASTRA Universtiy.

  2. Coordinated "National Level Cultural Fest, "MERA BHARATH"", at School of Management, SASTRA University.

  3. Conducted One Day Workshop on " IT Out Sourcing ", by Polaris Software, Chennai.

  4. Appointed as School Pupil Leader in "Auxilium Girls Hr.Sec. School".

  5. Appointed as a Student Chairman in "Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College".

  6. Secured "Black Belt - I Dan" in Martial Arts (Karate).

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