Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous)
Kodambakkam, Chennai 600 024
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Dr. Shanthi Raja
M.A., M.Phil., M.Ed., Ph.D.
Department of
Assistant Professor
Years of service at the College:
Total years of service:
Number of Research Projects:
Number of Journal Publications:
Number of Conference Presentations:
Micro and Macro Economics
Mangerial Econ0mics
Research Projects
Journal Publications
"Education for empowerment of women with special Reference to downtrodden", Ripples an International Multi-disciplinary Journal, , March 2010, Pages; 26-32 Volume 4 Issue 2, March- August 2010, ISSN – 0973-6353
"Performance of SHG in empowering rural women with special reference to tamilnadu",Ripples an International Multi-disciplinary Journal, September 2010, Pages; 10-16 Volume 5 Issue 1, Sept 2010- Feb 2011 , ISSN – 0973-6353
Conference Presentations
Attended Seminar on Linking Governance with Communities for Economic Growth conducted by Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayed College for Women (Autonomous), Chennai on 28th February 2015
Participated on State level workshop in Emerging Horizon in HR conducted by Alpha Arts & Science College Porur, Chennai n 17th and 18th October 2016
Participated in Intercollegiate workshop on Research Methodology & SPSS conducted by Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayed College for Women (Autonomous), Chennai on 29th & 30th November 2016
Presented a Paper on Socio-Cultural Quandry of Women Managers in India, National Seminar on Dynamics of Modern Business- Strategies and tools for Enhancement", 2012.
Presented a paper on Impact of Infrasturcture on Economic Development, National Seminar on Inclusive Growth - Reviewing the Past for Reshaping the Future Evolving Prescriptions for 12th Five Year Plan", 2011
Presented a paper on Empowerment of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Wimen Through Education, National Seminar on " Inclusive Growth in India - Issues and Challanges and Implications", 2011
Barriers of Self Help Group Women in eradicating Poverty” presented in the National Seminar on Women Empowerment through SHGs organised by DB Jain College Chennai 11 th Dec 2010.
“Performance of SHG in empowering Rural Women in Tamil Nadu “ presented in the National Seminar on Women Empowerment through SHGs organised by DB Jain College Chennai 11 th Dec 2010.
Globalisation and its impact on Indian Economy” presented in the National Seminar on Globalisation and its impact in India organised by DB Jain College Chennai, 12 th Dec 2010
Presented a paper on “Infra Structure and Development in the National seminar on “Urban Infra Structure - Transport and Related Issues” held at Presidency College in March 2010.
Presented a paper on Education and Women Empowerment in the National seminar on “Education for socially and economically Deprived” held at Pondicherry Central University in March 2010.
Presented a paper on “Women Studies in Tamilnadu” in the National seminar on “Economic contribution of Women – a multi dimensional approach” held at Queen Marys College, Chennai -5 in February 2010
Presented a paper “Agricultural and Rural Development” in the National seminar on “New frontiers in Agriculture” held at Sacred Heart college, Tirupattur in Nov, 2009.
Presented a paper on “Education and Empowerment of Downtrodden” in the National seminar on the theme “Relevance of Socio-economic Thoughts of Dr.Ambedkar today” organized Dr.Ambedkar Center of Economic Studies, by the University of Madras in March 2009.
Presented a paper on Agriculture Growth and Development in Tamilnadu in the National seminar on “Tamilnadu Economy in 2020 – Potentials and Challenges” organized by Quaid-E-Millet college, Chennai in Feb 2009.
Presented a paper on Women Self help groups in TamilNadu in the National seminar on "Economic contribution of Women- A Multi-Dimensional Approach” held at Queen Marys College, Chennai -5 in February 2004
Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended
Attended Orientation Course at Academic Staff College, University of Madras, 2004
Attended Refresher Course at Academic Staff College, University of Madras, 2006
Attended Refresher Course at UGC HRDC, University of Madras, 2016