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Dr. Priya P.

M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Department of 


Assistant Professor

Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:

Number of Journal Publications:


Number of Conference Presentations:



  • Indian Literature

  • American Literature

  • African American Literature

  • Gender Narratives

  • Contemporary Literature

  • Communication in Language Teaching

Research Projects

Journal Publications

  1. “Push and Pull factors: Chester Himes" The Primitive at a National Conference held at the Kanyaka Parameswari College for Women, Chennai on February 5, 2009. Paper published in the proceedings.

  2. "Universality Versus Particularism: an analysis on Chester Himes, “The Third Generation” at an International Conference at the University of Madras held on February 10 and 11, 2009. Paper published in the proceedings.

  3. "Marginality and Dual Status : A Study on,The Pinktoes" in the International Conference conducted by Ethiraj College for Women in Association with U.S. Consulate General – Chennai India on 12th and 13th March 2009. Paper published in the proceedings.

  4. "Quest for wholeness in the select works of Rosa Guy” was presented in the State Level Seminar “Women in Introspection as seen in Black American Writing” conducted by the Vivekananda college of Arts and Sciences for women, Tiruchengode, TamilNadu,2009. Paper published in the proceedings.

  5. "Possibilities Vs Limitations" at Nesamony Memorial Christian College on Empowerment of Women, on11th Sep, 2009. Paper published in the proceedings.

  6. "Teaching New Strategies and Fresh Insights for Ethnic Studies" in the State Level Seminar organized by Melmaruvathur Adiparasakthi College of Arts and Science,Vellore on February,2011. Paper published in the proceedings.

  7. National Seminar on "English and Communication Skills for Employability",5th March,2011. Paper published in the proceedings

  8. National Seminar on Teaching of General &Technical English,"The New Modes of Teaching African-American Novel:A Study on Chester Himes’Selective work",Anna University of Chennai,5th &6th Feb 2010. Paper published in the proceedings.

  9. "The Duo Role:The Practical Teacher" International Conference conducted by the English Teachers Asssociation of India (ELTAI) on 7th &9th August 2009. Paper published in the proceedings.

  10. National Level Seminar on Comparative Literature conducted by P.K.R.Arts College for Women on September 16th ,2009. Paper published in the proceedings.

  11. "Synthesis, International Quarterly of English Literature &Language" Vol 3.No.1 Quest for Identity in Chester Himes’s The Third Generation. March 2010.ISBN 904094-1-7.

  12. "The Humanitarian and the Child Psychologist – Dickens for all Times and for all Ages" in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar conducted by Alagappa Government Arts College on 1st September 2012. ISBN 978-81-910738-4-3.

  13. The Challenges in Continuous Professional Development : Inside and Outside at the International Conference on Outcome Based Teaching and Learning of English at Anna University on 1st and 2nd March 2013 (ISBN No. 978-81-909269-4-2)pg 93-96.

  14. International Journal of English Language, Literature & Humanities. A Detailed Study on Quest for Identity and Related Issues. Volume II. Issue IV,2014, ISSN

  15. Shakespeare- The Quintessential Zeitgeist. Interpreting Shakespeare Across Culture and Boundaries . International Conference. 2014, ISBN no. 978-81-925141-7-8 , pg 22. Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute University.

  16. Essentiality of Developing and Updating Competency Skills in Higher Education. Developing and Updating competitive skills in the right way - A study. International Seminar. 2015. ISBN: 978-93-81992-77-7. Pg.61-65.Presidency College and University of Cambridge. Today Publication.

  17. Social Glance. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Look Beyond: A Keen Analysis on Woman’s Perspective in Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In.Volume:4,Issues 1& 65-72. Jan- Dec 2015.Loyola Institute of Social Science Training and Research) Loyola College.

  18. Transnational approach to literary studies. Transnational and Identity factors towards literary and cultural: A Study. International Conference . 2016. ISBN:978-81-93086-81-0. Anna Adarsh College for Women Chennai. Ganesh Govindam Publications pg.32.

  19. Roots. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches. The Human Psyche: A Fascinating Study of the Select Works of Toni Morrison. Volume:3, Special Issue:6, 2017. ISSN: 2349-8684. Impact Factor 0.8111. pg. 108-111.

  20. Bodhi. International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science. Ethnic Consciousness and Emerging New Directions in the Writings of the African American Intellectuals - A study. UGC Approved Journal:44274. Vol:1, Special Issue:13.2017 ISSN 2456-5571 An Online Peer Reviewed, Refereed and Quarterly Journal, Impact actor 42-46.

  21. V E I International Journal of Social Sciences. English Language, Literature & Society.Rama Mehta’s Inside The Haveli- Images and Special Issue:02. ISSN:2394-1316 Vol.04.Issue: 03,June 2017.

  22. Curent Trends in ELT: A Global Perspective. Technology and Creative Competence in English Language Teaching-A Study pg. 37-39.International Conference Government Arts College(Autonomous) Salem. 28th July 2017.

  23. Empowering the English Language. The Challenges in continuous professional development -Internal and External. International Conference. 2017. ISBN no 978-81-90856-78-2. Anna University. VK publications.

  24. Narratives and Functional Elements in show casing Culture and Life in Perumal Murugan’s One Part Woman.Vol:1(3),2019 REST Publisher ISBN: 978-81-936097-3-6

  25. What is My Piece of Land? A Study on Lines We Cross by Abdul Randel Fatah. Mar-19. Language in India. ISBN No: 1930-2940

Conference Presentations

  1. Presented a paper on ‘Classroom Discourses & Effective Practices’ in the International Conference on Empowering the English Language Learner - Materials, Methods and Testing organised by Department of English, Anna University on 23,24 and 25 March 2017.

  2. Presented a paper on “The Cultural Semiotics of English Language and Literature” in A Two Day International Conference on Emerging Trends in English Language Teaching (ICETELT 2017) on 13th &14th December 2017.

  3. Presented a paper titled ‘Leadership Roles for Women at the Macro and Micro Levels” for the National Conference on Gender Perspectives and Women’s Empowerment held on March 5&6,2015 pg. 134-136.

  4. Presented a paper titled’Rama Mehta’s Inside the Haveli-Images & Implications ‘ in the Two Day National Conference on “English Language, Literature and Society : Modern Perspectives “ (ELLS-2017) on 3rd & 4th March,2017, Vivekanandha College for Women.

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended

  1. Attended Orientation Course sponsored by UGC, 2012.

  2. Attended Faculty Development Programme for English Teachers: A Sound Lead on 12th July 2014 at Chevalier T.Thomas Elizabeth College for Women.

  3. Workshop on Administrative Reforms, Meenakshi College for Women on 7th April 2015.

  4. Workshop on Examination Reforms, Meenakshi College for Women on 16th April 2015.

  5. Workshop on Curricular Reforms, Meenakshi College for Women on 31st May 2015.

  6. International Workshop entitled Bridging The Achievement Gap For Students With Special Learning Needs on 7th February,2015 at Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women.

  7. Teacher Training Workshop on Teaching Critical Thinking Skills to Tertiary Learners by RELO-certified Teacher Trainers on 30th April,2016 at M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women.

  8. Attended Refresher course in English, Batch-XXI sponsored by University Grants Commission, Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) and Regional Centres for Capacity Building (RCCB). UGC Sponsored Refresher Course. Theme: “Literature, Arts, Media and Semiotics (LAMS)”from16.9.2016 to 6.10.2016.

  9. National Seminar on “Quality Higher Education-2017” on April 28th and 29th,2017,organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Sathyabama University.

  10. Attended Refresher course in Human Rights( Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences/Sciences)- Batch II (Interdisciplinary) sponsored by University Grants Commission, Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) and Regional Centres for Capacity Building (RCCB) University of Madras from 3.11.2017 to 23.11.17.

  11. Post-Centenary Diamond Jubilee International Conference “Resisting Hegemony and Centre: Narratives of Australia, Canada and New Zealand” Department of English, University of Madras on 20th & 21 Feb 2018.

  12. One day Faculty Development Program on “Teaching , Learning and Speaking” jointly organized by the Department of English, Anna University on 28 July 2018.

  13. National Conference on “The Art of Fiction held on 1st Feb,2018 at Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for Women.

  14. One day Faculty Development Programme on Contemporary Literature organized by Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women on 2nd Nov 2018.

  15. Training Programme on Microsoft Innovative Educator at Meenakshi College for Women, Chennai on 19/12/2018.

  16. Workshop on Teaching, Learning and Evaluation at Meenakshi College for Women, Chennai on 02/02/2019.


Other Achievements

  1. Research Supervisor (Part-Time): UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS

  2. Ph.D GUIDE Recogn/Part-Time/2017/3125

  3. Currently Guiding 3 Ph.D. Students - M. Abishekha :Ph.D/Regn/1093/PTE/12/2018 630, M. Jhansi Rani:Ph.D/Regn/2489/PT/09/2019 2469, Y. Indhumathy: Ph.D/Regn/2580/PT/10/2019 2630

  4. Research Guidance (M.Phil.): MOTHER TERESA UNIVERSITY - Produced 11 M.Phils, Currently guiding 1 M.Phil Student

  5. Member of Doctoral Committee Member: VELS UNIVERSITY

  6. Conducted Ph.D Research Advisory Committee Meeting at VISTAS for Ms.Jagadesshwari (part time PhD Scholar) on 22.11.2019.

  7. Edited and Compiled "Annotated Texts" for the Foundation Course General English, Meenakshi College for Women, Chennai-600024.

  8. Edited, 'The Changing Contours of English Language and Literature.’ Allied Publishers, 2017.ISBN 978-93-85926.

  9. Assisted in organising a One Day National Symposium on ‘Translation:Pitfalls and Profundities ,Meenakshi College for Women’ on 19.08.2010.

  10. Assisted in organising an International Seminar on Threshold 2013 “Changing Ethical Perception in Literature, Society and Politics” 18.02.2013.

  11. Resource person for the University Grants Commission –sponsored “Special Summer School on Recent Advance in Social Sciences” conducted by the Academic Staff College, University of Madras. Delivered a lecture on the topic, “Student’s Centered Approach: Constructive Study”, 11th May 2013.

  12. Resource person for the University Grants Commission sponsored Winter School 2013 conducted by the Academic Staff College, University of Madras. Delivered a lecture on the topic,” Professional Insights: Teaching and Learning Process”, 15th November,2013.

  13. Resource person for the University Grants Commission- sponsored Orientation Programme, Batch-114 conducted by the Academic Staff College, University of Madras. Delivered a lecture on the topic, “Human Psychology: A Socio-Centric Approach” 13th December 2013.

  14. Invited Speaker by NCC Prime Programme Officer, Queen Mary’s College. Delivered a lecture on ‘Communication Skills: Concepts and Practices’, 21st July 2014.

  15. Conducted Viva Voce Examination for the Ph.D Scholar, Ms.Lakshmi Priya A on 7th August 2014 at Dr M.G.R.Educational and Research Institute University, Maduravoyal, Chennai -95.

  16. Resource person for the University Grants Commission Human Resource Development Centre Sponsored Short Term Course on Teaching and Learning Techniques in Higher Education “UGC-Academic Staff College , University of Madras. Topic , “ The Alter Ego :A Study for A Better Tomorrow”, 31st July 2015.

  17. Assisted in organising a Two Day International Seminar on ‘The Changing Contours of English Language and Literature’ 07.09.16 and 08.08.16.

  18. Resource person for the University Grants Commission- Sponsored Orientation Programme, Batch -125 conducted by the UGC- Human Resource Development Centre “,Topic , “ Trans Disciplinary: Creative Cognitive Teaching-Learning Process”, 20th May 2016.

  19. Resource person for the University Grants Commission- Sponsored Orientation Programme, Batch -127 conducted by the UGC- Human Resource Development Centre, “ Communication Codes: Teacher’s Centre Learning Process”, 8th Nov 2016.

  20. Subject Expert for the conduct of Academic Audit ,Dept of English,Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaisnav College on 16th March 2017.

  21. Chief Guest for Literary Inauguration. Dept. of English, Loyola College of Excellence, Chennai 600 034 .Delivered a lecture on ‘Passion to Literature’, 13th July 2018.

  22. Resource person for the University Grants Commission- Sponsored Orientation Programme, Batch -134 conducted by the UGC- Human Resource Development Centre Topic, “Abstract and Concrete Methodology in Teaching-Trans disciplinary Study” 31st August 2018.

  23. Resource person for the University Grants Commission sponsored Orientation Programme Batch -135 conducted by the UGC- Human Resource Development Centre, Topic,“ Dynamics of Teaching Methodology Cognitive and Psychological Aspects” on 19th November 2018.

  24. Editor of Tattoo Department Literary Magazine, Department of English, 2018.

  25. Resource person for the University Grants Commission Sponsored Orientation Programme, Batch -134 conducted by the UGC- Human Resource Development Centre Topic,“ Outcome Based Teaching : Student’s Centered Learning Process” on 13th February 2019.

  26. External Committee Member for the Internal IQAC audit of the Dept of English,Shift II,D.G.Vaishanav College on 23rd Jan 2019.

  27. Subject Expert for the Board of Studies to the Department of English. Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College on 24th September 2019.

  28. Doctoral Committee Member for Mr Antony Joseph Jayadoss registered for Ph.D. Degree dt 18th Sep 2019. No/PHD/25/PT/10/2011/D.C/2019/1808

  29. Completed NPTEL Online Certification Course (Funded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt of India). INTERPERSONAL SKILLS. July-Sep 2019 (8 weeks course) SWAYAM.

  30. Co-Editor of Lion's Touch Magazine.

  31. Presided as Judge at Frank Anthony Memorial All-Inter-School Debate competition at primrose schools on July 11,2019.

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