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Dr. Manju N.

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Department of 



Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:

Number of Journal Publications:


Number of Conference Presentations:


  • Electronics

  • Mathematical Physics

  • Spectroscopy

  • Nuclear Physics

Research Projects

Journal Publications

  1. Assimilative capacity and pollutant dispersion studies for the Industrial Zone of Manali - Atmospheric Environment, 2002, 36, pp.3461

  2. Studies on the impact of micro-meteorological parameters on the dispersion of particulates in an industrial zone : 11th National Symposium on Environment B.A.R.C. Mumbai, June 2002

  3. Studies on the spatial and temporal dispersion patterns of SO2 and NOx in an industrial zone in Chennai : International Conference on Mesoscale Progress in the atmosphere, Ocean and Environmental Systems, IIT, Delhi, Feb. 2006

  4. ANN model for SO2 production in an industrial zone : International Conference on sustainable Technologies for environmental protection, C.I.T. Coimbatore, Jan.2006.

Conference Presentations

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended

  1. International Conference on Ultrasonics National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, 1990.

  2. 17th National Convention on Environmental Engineering Trivandrum,2001.

  3. National Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore 2001.

  4. 11th National Symposium on Environment BARC Mumbai,2002.

  5. International Symposium on Resource and Environmental Monitoring NRSA, Hyderabad,2002.

  6. International Conference on sustainable technologies for environmental Protection GCT,Coimbatore,2006.

  7. International Conference on Mesoscale Progress in the atmosphere, ocean and environmental system IIT,Delhi,2006.

  8. Attended a Orientation Programme in Academic Staff College at University of Madras,1996.

  9. Attended a Refresher Course in Physics at Academic Staff College, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry,1999.

  10. Attended a Refresher Course in Physics at Academic Staff College,at University of Madras,2004.

  11. Attended a Refresher Course in Physics at Academic Staff College,at University of Madras,2009.

  12. Attended OORJA ,Skill building programme organized by Microsoft –March 2018.

  13. Workshop on “Physics Laboratory Experiments”on19thOctober 2012 in Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai-600 036.


Other Achievements

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