Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous)
Kodambakkam, Chennai 600 024
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Dr. Maidhili S.
M.A., M.Lib., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Department of
Years of service at the College:
Total years of service:
Number of Research Projects:
Number of Journal Publications:
Number of Conference Presentations:
Quality Management in Library Science
Research Projects
Journal Publications
ISO implementation in steps: an introduction by Mrs. S.Maidhili, And Dr. Nithyanandam K , Indian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 9(1), November 2013, ISSN:0973 3817, IROFIS, pages.
Plagiarism: An Introduction by Richa Triwadi and S.Maidhili, International Journal of Action Research & Engineering To Eradicate Poverty, 5(1), January 2014,ISSN: 2229 5259, IJAREEP, Pages-367-370.
A Bibliometric study on the Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy 2004-2013 by Mrs.Maidhili.s, Mrs. Richa Tripathy and Dr. K.Nithyanandam International Journal of Action Research & Engineering To Eradicate Poverty 5(2), February 2014 ISSN: 2229 5259, IJAREEP, Pages-400-404.
Digital Information Literacy in Rrasi engineering college by G.Meenambika,Mr.Manoharan, and S.Maidhili, International Journal of Library Science & Research, 5(2), April 2015,ISSN:2321-0029 (e), TJPRC.Pages 13-22
Benchmarking and ISO: a comparative study by S.Maidhili, G.Meenambika and Dr.K.Nithayanandam, International Journal of Library Science & research 5(3),June 2015 ISSN(E) 2321-0079, TJPRC Pages9-14.
Internal/External quality Audit in ISO: an Introduction by S.Maidhili, M.Mahalakshmi and Dr.K.Nithayanandam, Australian Journal of Basic & applied Sciences, 9(10), Special issue 2015 ISSN: 1991-8178. AENSI publication,Pages: 281-284.
Application of cloud computing in Libraries by M.Mahalakshmi, and S.Maidhili, International Journal on Application in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, 1(6), June 2015 ISSN: 2395-3527, IJAEEE Pages 17-20.
Continuous Process Improvement: In Quality by S. Maidhili, G.Meenambika,, M. Mahalakshmi and Dr.K.Nithayanandam Indian Journal of Science, November 2015, 21 (71), Indian Journals.com New Delhi.
National Shared Services - Inflibnet Perspective by G.Meenambika, S.Maidhili and N.Thilagavathy, Indian Journal of Science, November 2015, 21 (73), Indian Journals.com New Delhi.
Deployment of Information & Communication Technologies in libraries by M.Mahalakshmi, S.Maidhili, and V.Uma, Indian Journal of Science, November 2015, 21 (73), Indian Journals.com New Delhi.
External Audit and Non-conformance by S.Maidhili, Dr.K.Nithayanandam, International Journal of Library Science, 30th April 2017 7(2), by TJPRC pages. 35-38. Received best paper Award
Digital Access skill in the web among library users of Patrician College students: a Study by by G.Meenambika, S.Maidhili and N.Thilagavathy, in Internatioanl Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management, 2016, Indian citation Index pages 35-38
FESTSCHRIFT - BOOK PUBLICATION 5S and Six Sigma in Library by Mrs. S.Maidhili, Library and Information Services: Advancing with Technology --Published by Dr. A.Hariharan and Dr.S.Surianarayanan Felicitation Committee and SALIS, 2015.pages 5-10
Conference Presentations
Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended
National seminar on Information Literacy and Higher education organized by University of Madras between 29th and 30th january 2007
National conference on Future Technologies for empowering LIS professionals: Challenges and opportunities by Anna university during 09-11, August 2007
National conference on Modernisation of public and academic libraries: issues and solutions by Hindustan college of arts and science on 14-16 December 2007
National level seminar on Knowledge Management in Libraries by SKR Engineering college on 17th July 2010
State Level Seminar on Security in Information Technology on 7th September 2011 organized by the department of Library, Auxium College, Vellore.
National Seminar on Library and Information Services in the digital Era - Held on 21st November 2011, at Hindustan University, Chennai.
8th National Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology (READIT) held at IGCAR, Kalpakkam during December 28 – 29, 2011, organized by Scientific Information Resource Division, Resources Management Group, IGCAR
ReLISH National Conference on Research in LIS a Holistic Approach Jointly Organized by University Library, Anna University, Chennai and Department of Library & Information Science, university of Madras, 15th -16th February, 2013
National Conference on Recent trends in Library and Information Science(RTLIS-2013) Conducted by Hindustan University held on 12th and 13th April 2013
National Conference on Next Generation Library Services organized by Justive Baseer Ahmed Sayeed College for women, Chennai and(SALIS) on 16th and 17th August 2013
National Seminar on “Knowledge from Books to Bytes”on 07th September 2013 conducted by Hindustan University Central Library, Chennai
UGC sponsored State Level Workshop on Cloud Computing and the future of print media on 10th January 2014 organized by central Library Loyola College Chennai
Symposium on serve to sustain,26th March 2014,Anna University, Chennai
National seminar on KOHA: An Introduction to Librarian, on 26 july 2014 conduted by Hindustan University Central Library, Padur, Chennai
National conference on Research Trends & new paradigms in Library & information science on 21st -22nd February 2014, conducted by Bharathiar University, Aringar Anna Central Library, Coimbatore.
International symposium on research Innovation for quality improvement in Higher Education”, by Bharathiar University, Research & development Department, Coimbatore, on 10th and 11th October 2014.
“International Conference on library Space and Content Management for Networked Society”, by DVK College, Central Library, Bangalore -29, on 18th -20th October 2014.
National conference on reaching the unreached: connecting the library users & resources through innovative services & technologies,on 8th -9th August 2014,Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
National Conference on Information Management in the Knowledge Era on 25th october 2014, DRBCCC Hindu College, Pattabiram, Chennai
UGC Sponsored One day Seminar on Accessing Resources: New Avenues in Explorative Methodologies on 9th January 2015, Central Library, Loyola College, Chennai -34
International Conference Swami Vivekananda Association of Science & Humanities-SVASH”, by SVASH, Thiruvananthapuram, on 22nd May 2015.
International conference on Technological Convergence for Information, Health, Food and energy security”(TC-IFES 2015) by CLRI Chennai on 1st and 2nd May 2015
2ndInternational Conference on Innovation Driven Librarianship: Creating future landscape for the new Generation Libraries and LIS professionals” by SRM university, Chennai, on 11th to 13th June 2015.
UGC sponsored one day National Workshop on “Writing for publishing and avoiding the risk of plagiarism and copyright violation, on 5th March 2015, Madras School of Social Work, Chennai.
14th May to 10th June 2015 – for 28 days -15, UGC, Human Resource development centre, University of Madras.
National conference on advancement in Library & information Science & Technology: Challenges and Opportunities on 10th to 11th July 2015, B.S.Abdur Rahman University, Chennai-48
Work shop on ICT Training on Dspace for Library and Information science professional on 17th Jan 2016, Madras Library Association and Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai
National conference on Bibliotherapy and Webotherapy on 11th june 2016,SCSVMV university, Kancheepuram
National Conference on Creativity, Innovation and Transformation in Libraries-SALIS 2016 on 8th and 9th July 2016, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode and SALIS 2016
"National seminar on Recent Trends in Biological Sciences- Research And applications on 19-20 Sep. 2016, Meenakshi College for Women, Kodambakkam, Chennai -24
National seminar on quality management techniques in Libraries on 26th november 2016, Meenakshi college for women, chennai 24.
UGC sponsored Refresher course from 17/05/2018 to 06/06/2018 for 21 days conducted by HRDC. Bharathiar university- Grade A
UGC sponsored Refresher course from 14/11/2016 to 27/11/2019 for 14 days conducted by HRDC. University of Madras- Grade A