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Dr. Lavanya Vedagiri Rao

M.A., Ph.D.

Department of 


Professor Emeritus

Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:


Number of Journal Publications:


Number of Conference Presentations:


  • Micro Finance

  • Business Management

  • Business Communication

  • Management Accounting

  • Services Marketing

  • Corporate Accounting

Research Projects

  1. Methodology Issues Pertaining to Provision of Micro Credit and Designing of Livelihood to Borrowers in Tamil Nadu, UGC Major Research Project, 2011-12.

Journal Publications

  1. Management of Stress Among College Students, SANSMARAN Research Journal, vol.3 June 2013, ISSN 2278-7801.

  2. Quality of Work life of Migrant Construction Workers in Chennai, International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics & Management, Volume 3, Issue 05, May 2013, ISSN 0976-2183.

  3. QualityWork Life Balance- Women in Informal Sector, Bi-annunal Referred National Journal NIMS Journal of Management Research 2013, ISSN 2278- 2362.

Conference Presentations

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended

  1. Private Firms and Corporate Social Responsibility, UGC sponsored International Seminar on Corporate Governance – Challenges & Strategies, January 2008.

  2. Innovation and New Service Development in Select Private Life Insurance Companies in India, 10th International Seminar organised by International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), USA, 2008.

  3. Life Insurance Sector in India (Globalisation), International Seminar on Globalisation - Its Impact, Challenges and Opportunities, March 2008.

  4. Challenges of Women in Management, International Seminar on Global Challenges in Management, 2008.

  5. Replication of Grameen Bank Micro Credit Model - A Case Study In India, International Conference on Micro Finance, 2009.

  6. Ethics Based Higher Education, International Conference on Accelerating Economic Revival through Innovation and Reform, 2010.

  7. Self-help Groups and Women Entrepreneurs – Vision 2010, National Level Symposium on Women Entrepreneurship in India, February 2008.

  8. Micro Finance as an Engine for Inclusive Growth, National Conference on Inclusive Growth in India – An Emphasis on Financial and Social Inclusion, 2010.

  9. Livelihood Promotion and Economic Growth in India, National Conference on BRICS – Economic Shift, 2011.

  10. Attended Orientation Course at Academic Staff College, University of Madras, 2008-2009

  11. Attended Refresher Course at Academic Staff College, University of Madras, 2009-20010


Other Achievements

  1. Projects Undertaken - UGC Major Research Project - Methodology issues pertaining to provision of micro credit and designing of livelihood to borrowers in Tamil Nadu.

  2. Books and Chapter Edited:

    1. Micro finance and Livelihood Promotion, CBA Publishers, Chennai, 2012, ISBN 9789380430102.

    2. Chapter Title: Micro Finance as an Engine for Inclusive Growth, Book Name: Inclusive Growth in India – An Emphasis on Financial and Social Inclusion, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, October 2010, ISBN 978-93-80697-25-5.

    3. Chapter Title: Livelihood Promotion and Economic Growth in India, Book Name: BRICS – Economic Shift, published by Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, October 2011, ISBN 978-93-81361-3-99.

    4. Chapter Title: Ethics Based Higher Education, Book Name: Accelerating Economic Revival through Innovation and Reform, Excel Publishers, New Delhi, 2010, ISBN 978-93-80043-76-0.

    5. Innovation and new Service development in select private life insurance companies in India - The paper was published as a full paper in the conference proceedings with ISBN 0-9753393-9-7 and CIBIMA, Volume 1, 2008, ISSN 1943-7765.

    6. Tele Marketing – Readers Shelf, Vol.1, No.8, May 2005.

    7. Stress Management – Readers Shelf, Vol.1, No.11, Aug’ 2005

    8. Recent Developments in Purchase & Sale of Securities - Readers Shelf, Vol.1, No.7, April 2005

    9. Chapter Title: Micro Finance as an Engine for Inclusive Growth, National Conference on Inclusive Growth in India—An Emphasis on Financial and Social Inclusion, October, 2010, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-93-80697-25-5.

    10. Chapter Title: Livelihood Promotion and Economic Growth in India. Brics – An Economic Shift, National conference, 3rd and 4th October 2011, Excel India Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN: 9789381361399.

    11. Books with ISBN : Micro finance and livelihood promotion, CBA publishers, 2012, ISBN 9789380430102.

  3. Chaired a session at 10th IBIMA conference held at Malaysia on project Planning and Development.

  4. Honorary Consultant – 2011-13, Mitra Academy, Bangalore – 76, (Affliated to the Council of Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.)

  5. Member of Board of Studies at SDNB Vaishnav college for women, Chrompet, chennai.@008-2010

  6. University Representative of Board of Studies, Womens’ Christian College, College Road, Chennai, 2011-2013.

  7. Member of Programme Committee – International – IBIMA- New York, USA

    • For reviewing full research papers at the 11th IBIMA conference held at Egypt,January, 2009.

    • For reviewing full research papers at the 12th IBIMA conference held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-30 June , 2009.

    • For reviewing full research papers at the 14th IBIMA conference held in Istanbul, Turkey 23-24 June 2010.

    • For reviewing full research papers at the 15th IBIMA conference held in Cairo, Egypt, 6th and 7th November , 2010.

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