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Dr. Lakshmi K. S.

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Department of 



Years of service at the College:


Total years of service:


Number of Research Projects:


Number of Journal Publications:


Number of Conference Presentations:


  • Radiation Physics

  • Nuclear Physics

  • Mechanics

  • Properties of matter

Research Projects

  1. Background Radiation survey in and around Koodankulam, Minor Research Project, Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, 1987-88.

  2. Radon, Thoron measurement in dwelling of Madras City, Major Research Project, Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, 1989-92.

  3. Background Radiation Survey along the East Coast of Tamilnadu, Major Research Project, Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, 1992-95.

  4. Studies on the Environmental Radiation along the East Coast of Tamil Nadu after Tsunami, Major Research Project, Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India, 2007-12.

Journal Publications

  1. K.S.Lakshmi, V.Meenakshisundram and J. Punniyakotti, (2019). “Effect of natural radioactivity content in the beach sands along the east coast of Tamilnadu, India due to Tsunami. Radiation Protection and Environment.

  2. K.S.Lakshmi, V.Meenakshisundram and J. Punniyakotti, (2018). “Estimation and seasonal variation of indoor radon and gamma dose level in the dwellings of entire east coast of Tamilnadu, India”. Radiation Protection and Environment, 41(4), pp. 165-175.

  3. K.S. Babai, S. Poongothai, K.S. Lakshmi, J. Punniyakotti and V. Meenakshisundaram, (2012). “Estimation of indoor radon levels and absorbed dose rates in air for Chennai city, Tamilnadu, India”. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 293 (2), pp. 649-654.

  4. K.S. Lakshmi, S. Selvasekarapandian, D. Khanna, and V. Meenakshisundaram, (2005). “Primordial radionuclides concentrations in the beach sands of East coast region of Tamilnadu, India”. International Congress Series 1276, pp. 323-324.

  5. V. Meenakshisundaram, K.S. Lakshmi, J. Malathi and S. Selvasekarapandian, (2005). “Measurement of primordial radionuclide distribution in the soil samples along the East coast of Tamilnadu, India”. International Congress Series. 1276, pp. 325-326.

  6. S.Selvasekarapandian, K.S.Lakshmi, G.M.Brahmanandhan and V. Meenakshisundaram, (2005). ”Indoor Gamma Dose Measurement along the East Coast of Tamil Nadu using TLD”. International Congress Series. 1276, pp. 327-328.

  7. Radio nuclide in Soil of East Coast of Tamil Nadu, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity.

  8. Indoor Gamma Dose Measurements along the East Coast of Tamil Nadu, applied Radiation and Isotopes.

  9. Ambient Radiation Levels in the Environment of Coastal region of Tamil Nadu, Radiation Protection Dosimetry.

  10. Radon and Thoron Measurements in Dwelling at Madras City, India, International Workshop on Radon Monitoring in Radio Protection, Environmental Radioactivity and Earth Sciences, Trieste, Italy

  11. K.S.Lakshmi, V. Meenakshisundram, J. Punniyakotti, J. Aarthy and G.P. Kanimozhi (2018). “Natural radioactivity content in soil samples of Meenakshi College for Women campus, Kodambakkam, Chennai”. Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS – 2018). Theivanai Ammal College for Women, Villupuram, Feb 2018.

  12. K.S.Lakshmi, V. Meenakshisundram, J. Punniyakotti, M. Bharkavi, K. Geetha and Zohara Jabeen, (2018). “Primordial radionuclides of 238U, 232Th and 40K in sand samples of Kovalam beach, Tamilnadu, India”. Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS – 2018). Theivanai Ammal College for Women, Villupuram, Feb 2018.

  13. K.S. Lakshmi, V. Meenakshisundram, J. Punniyakotti, V. Vijayashri and S. Fouziasulthana, (2017). “Background radiation levels in and around Nemmeli Desalination Plant at Chennai city, Tamilnadu, India”. Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Environmental Research – (NCETER – 17). SSN college of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. July 22, pp.18.

  14. K.S. Lakshmi, V. Meenakshisundram, J. Punniyakotti, N. Suba Chandrasekar and J. Sumathi, (2017). “NORM content in various fertilizer samples collected at Chennai city, Tamilnadu, India”. Proceedings of the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Environmental Research – (NCETER – 17). SSN college of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. July 22, pp. 19.

  15. J. Punniyakotti, K.S.Lakshmi and V.Meenakshisundram (2017). “Influence of Fertilizers on the NORM Content in Agricultural Cultivated Soils of Villupuram District, Tamilnadu, India”. 13th DAE-BRNS Nuclear and Radiochemistry Symposium, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. February 06-10. p.590.

  16. K.S.Lakshmi, V.Meenakshisundaram and J.Punniyakotti, (2015). “Assessment of external exposure (TLDs) and radon concentration (SSNTDs) at dwellings of east coast of Tamilnadu”, Proc. of 12th National Symposium on Nuclear and Radiochemistry (NUCAR-2015), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India, February 09-13. p.513.

  17. J.Punniyakotti, V.Ponnusamy, G.Suresh, K.S.Lakshmi and V.Meenakshisundaram, (2014). “ Distribution of Primordial Radionuclides in Beach sand near and Around the Water-lines of Kanyakumari and Tirunelveli Districts of Southeast coast of Tamilnadu, India”, Proc. of Nineteenth National Symposium on Environment (NSE-19), School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, December 11-13, p.199-200.

  18. K.S.Lakshmi, V.Meenakshisundaram and J.Punniyakotti, (2014). “Effect of tsunami on the natural radioactivity content in the beach sands along the entire east coast of Tamilnadu State, India”, Proc. of Fifth Symposium on Nuclear Analytical Chemistry (NAC-V), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India, January 20-24, 2014. p.441-442.

  19. K.S.Lakshmi, K.S.Babai, S.Poongothai, V.Meenakshisundaram and J.Punniyakotti, (2013). “Determination of radiological and civil parameters in fly-ash bricks for their utilization as construction material”, Proc. of National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Physics for Ionizing Radiations, Aerosols and Material Science (ETPRAM-13), Department of Physics, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India, December13-14, 2013. pp.33.

  20. K.S. Babai, S. Poongothai, K.S. Lakshmi, Punniyakotti, J and Meenakshisundaram, V., (2013). “Measurement of environmental radioactivity in soil samples, and indoor radon levels in Chennai city, Tamilnadu, India”, Proc. of Eighteenth National Symposium on Environment (NSE-18), JNTUA college of Engg., Anantapur (AP), India, March 11-13, 2013. pp. 146-150.

Conference Presentations

Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended

  1. International Conference on Radiation Physics held in Japan.

  2. National Symposium on Radiation Physics at BARC, Bombay.

  3. National Symposium on SSNTD at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.

  4. National Symposium on Radiation Physics at Osmania University, Hyderabad.

  5. National Symposium on Radiation Physics at DRDO Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

  6. National Symposium on Radiation Physics at Punjab University, Patiala.

  7. National Symposium on Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.

  8. National Symposium on Radiation Physics organised jointly by IGCAR, Kalpakkam and Anna University.

  9. Radon Thoran Workshop at BARC, Bombay.

  10. National Symposium on Radiation Physics at Mangalore University.

  11. National Symposium on Magnetron at Mangalore University.

  12. Educational management at NIAS, Bangalore.

  13. Educational management at Anna Institute of Management Studies.

  14. Examination Reforms and Evaluation Techniques at University of Madras.

  15. National Conference on Women's Education at Mother Theresa Women's University.

  16. National Seminar on An overview of Semester and Non Semester Pattern held at Women's Christian College, Chennai.

  17. UGC Seminar on Restructuring of University Programme organised at Queen Mary's College, Chennai.

  18. National Seminar on Protection of Patent Rights organised by Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

  19. International Seminar on Radiation Physics in Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam.


  1. Jewel of India Award – Outstanding Achievement in the field of Higher Education - 2002.

  2. Indira Gandhi Sadbhavana Award – Outstanding Achievement and Distinguished Services to the Nation – National Integration Council – 2003.

  3. Inducted into the "Top 100 Scientists 2013" for the efforts made by her in the arena of astute analytical knowledge in Physics,Nuclear Radiation Physics and Environment Protection,International Biographical Center,Cambridge,England.

  4. Sri Sharada Baktamani (title bestowed by Sri Sringeri Peetam) 2012.

  5. Rajiv Gandhi Shiromani Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement and Distinguished Service to the Nation – Global Economic Council - 2002.

  6. National Udyog Excellence Award – International Institute of Education and Management - 2002.

  7. Seva Ratna Award - Centenarian Trust – 1999.

  8. Fellow of the Madras Science Foundation - 1999.

  9. Bharat Cultural Integration Committee Award - Service as Principal and overall in the field of Education - 1993.

  10. Quest for the Best - Commendation award - 1996.

  11. Lifetime Achievement Award for Significant and Outstanding Accomplishment and Service rendered to the Nation - United Writers' Association – 1999.

  12. Architect of Service Award for excellent contribution to Lionism – Lions Clubs International - 2000-01.

  13. Apaara Saraswathi Award in the field of education - Lioness Council 324A1 -1991.

  14. Outstanding Zone Chairman – Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of stellar performance and significant contribution to the cause of Lionism – 2000.

  15. Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of stellar performance and significant contribution to membership growth through friendship in Lionism – 2000.

  16. New Horizons Award – for selfless service to people with diabetes, their families and society in establishing a diabetes education program.

  17. For the Sake of Honour Award - Rotary Club of North West.

  18. Lioness Council Award - recognition of the outstanding services rendered to the community.

  19. Leo Council Award - continuous support and encouragement for the Leos – 2001 to 2003.

  20. Indian Red Cross Society Award – for maximum blood donations organized (in terms of number of units) every year.

  21. Best Teacher Award - Lions Clubs International - District 324A1-1996-97.

  22. Best Teacher Award - in appreciation of yeoman service to the student community, teaching community and to the society - Bharat Vikas Parishad – 2002.

  23. Best Service Award - Lions District 324A1.

  24. Certificate of Honour - Mylapore Academy – for maximum percentage of results (continuously for over 15 years).

  25. Melvin Jones Worthy Person Award – Lions Clubs Multiple District 324A1 – 2004.

  26. certificate of Appreciation for Contribution to Voluntary Blood Donation - The Land Steiner Memorial Research Foundation – 2004.

  27. Silver Jubilee Award for Excellence – Invaluable Contribution in the field of Higher Education – Brahmins Association, Tamil Nadu – 2005.

  28. Exnora Excellence Award – Choolaimedu Exnora Innovators Club – 2006.

  29. Lions International President’s Certificate of Appreciation – DC Treasurer’s Forum – 2006.

  30. RC Multiple Council Award.

  31. Anbu Paalam – Achievers Award for Service Rendered in the Field of Education.

  32. Life Time achievement award for unparalleled services in the field of college education for girls.

  33. Key of Nation Award.

  34. District Membership Chairperson Award (Presented by International President Al Brande l).

  35. Vishwa Seva Lion's Award (Twice).

  36. Certificate of Fellowship-Madras Science Foundation.

  37. Par Excellence District Chairman-District Kolu.

  38. Par Excellence District Chairman award-DC President Forum.

  39. Outstanding Chairman Award-DC Youth Outreach.

  40. Best Service Award(lions District (324A1).

  41. Award for Meritorious Service to Lions Quest-LC KRS.

  42. Shakthi Award-Aalayam and Snehidi.

  43. International President's Certificate of Appreciation-DC Tresurer's Forum.

  44. International President's Certificate of Appreciation-DC Leadership.

  45. Outstanding Lion family award - Lions Clubs International.

  46. SERVICE ABOVE SELF - by Cancer Institute, Adyar 2014.

  47. Life Time Achievement Award - by Lions clubs International 2014.

  48. Dawn of the century Humanitarian Award - Lions Clubs International 2018.

  49. "Madhanallenakkam Award" Puliyur Jumma Masjid ,Kodambakkam - 2019.

Other Achievements

Projects Undertaken:

  1. Background Radiation survey in and around Kudankulam, a site for Nuclear Power Plant, funded by DAE, 1988

  2. Radon, Thoran measurement in dwelling of Madras City, funded by DAE, 1989-1992

  3. Background Radiation Survey along the East Coast of Tamilnadu, funded by DAE 1992-1995

  4. Studies on Environmental radiation along east Coast of Tamil Nadu after Tsunami, funded by DAE, 2007-2012

  5. A World Bank/MIDS project on Environmental studies.

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