Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous)
Kodambakkam, Chennai 600 024
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Dr. Karpagam M.
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Department of
Professor Emeritus
Years of service at the College:
Total years of service:
Number of Research Projects:
Number of Journal Publications:
Number of Conference Presentations:
Environmental Economics
Research Projects
A Study of Inter District Disparities in Tamil Nadu, Minor Research Project, Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust, 2002-03.
A Study of Thiru Vi. Ka. Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai, Minor Research Project, Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust, 2003-04.
A Study on the Impact of Students’ Socio Economic Background on Educational Attainment, Minor Research Project, Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust, 2007-08.
Environmental Policy For Water Pollution Abatement – An Asian Perspective, Minor Research Project, Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust, 2008-09.
Journal Publications
Green Corporate Attitude and Environmental Performance, GITAM Journal of Management, Volume II No.1, 2013. ISSN 0972-740X.
Factors Influencing Corporate Environmental Performance in India, Indian Journal of Corporate Governance, Volume 6, No.1, June 2013,ISSN 0974-6862
Environmental Economics-Text Book, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1992, 2000
Green Management - Theory and Practice, Ane Book House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2010
Paper on “Corporate Environmental Sustainability” in the International Conference on Sustainability in Business on 11th and 12th November 2010, organised by Faculty of Business and Accountancy at Malaysia
Paper on “Environmental Management and Corporate Sustainability” in the Inter National Symposium on Global Business Opportunities and Challenges” organized by Commerce department, Loyola College on 15.02.2007 and 16.02 2007
Paper titled "Impact of Urban Water Supply and Sanitation on Health - The case of Chennai" presented in the International Conference on "Urban Planning and Environment - Strategies and Challenges" on Jan 31th and 31st, 2007 at Elphinstone College, Mumbai.
In two-day National seminar organized by Department of Economics Ethiraj College for Women Chennai during 11-12 March 2011, presented paper on “Green House Gases and Climate Change – An Indian Perspective”
Paper on “Corporate Environmental Responsibility – An Important Component of CSR” in the National Seminar on ‘Service Sector Spectrum in the New Millennium’ organized by Department of Economics, Periyar University in March 2008.
Presented a paper on “Green Taxes – in theory and Practice” in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Environmental Issues and Natural Resource Management’ (Oct, .2004) organized by Gobi Arts and Science College, Gobichettipalayam .
Paper on “Control of Vehicular Pollution” in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Environmental Degradation and its impact on Society” orgainsed by Department of Economics, Erode Arts College. September 2004
Paper on “Teaching Environmental Economics” in the National Seminar on Restructuring of Undergraduate Economics Education in the Backdrop of Changing Development Paradigm” organized by Department of Economics, Sacred Hearts College, at Challakudy, Thrissur, Kerala on 26th and 27th June, 2003.
In the National symposium on Vistas of Entomological Research for the Mew Millennium in G.S Gill Research Institute, Chennai in Dec. 2000 presented paper on ‘Contingent Valuation Method to evaluate biodiversity specie.
Book “Green Management – Theory and Applications” Published in 2010 by Ane Books Pvt Ltd, New Delhi. Recommended by Mumbai University as one of the reference books for the paper Sustainable Manufacturing (Code: MSC201).
“Impact of Urban Water Supply and Sanitation on Health - A case of Chennai Chapter in Urban Planning and Environment (Ed)., Lakshmi Vyas, Macmillan Advanced Research Series (2007)
Chapter on “ Teaching Environmental Economics” in the Book Restructuring of Undergraduate Economics Education in the Backdrop of Changing Development Paradigm, 2003.
Chapter on ‘Evaluation of Species Biodiversity Using Contingent Valuation Method’ in Vistas of Entomological Research for the New Millennium (2002)
Revised Text book on Environmental Economics (1992) with eight additional chapters (2000).
Co-authored article on ‘Measurement of Welfare’ in the book “Applied Welfare Economics”, Emerald Publishers, (1996)
Chapter on ‘Application of The Theory of The Firm to Hospitals “ in the Book ‘Health Economics’, Allied Publishers 1992
Published Text Book on “Environmental Economics” Sterling Publishers New Delhi, 1992.
Co-author of Paper titled Factors Influencing Corporate Environmental Performance in India which has been accepted for publication in Indian Journal of Corporate Governance. (Email communication received on 27 June 2012).
Co-author of Paper titled ‘Green Corporate Attitude and Environmental Performance’ has been accepted for publication in GITAM Journal of Management. (Email communication received on 4 June 2012).
Co-author of Paper titled ‘An Appraisal of India’s Policy to Control Industrial Water Pollution’, International Journal of Environment and Development, Vol. 9 No.1, January – June 2012, Serials Publications, New Delhi, India. ISSN: 0973-3574.
Co-author of Paper titled Who Performs Better and why in Higher Secondary Examinations?, Journal of Educational Planning and Administration, Volume XXVI, No 4, October 2012, ISSN 0971-3859
Co-author of Paper titled ‘Industrial Water Pollution Control Policy in India - Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement’ published in the journal Knowledge Economy, Half Yearly Journal of Social Sciences in the September 2012 issue. R.Dis.1663/1 ISSN No.2231-2854.
“The Carbon Currency - Cashing Carbon For Cooling Earth”, published in the Silver Jubilee Souvenir of the Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board, February 2007
Conference Presentations
Workshops / Training Programmes / FDPs Attended
Attended Orientation Course at University of Madras Academic Staff College,1989.
Attended Refresher Course on "Advanced Micro and Macro Economics",organized by Department of Economics,University of Madras and IFMR,1989.
Attended a Refresher Course on "Faculty Up gradation Programme in Environmental Economics",at Institute of Economic Growth,New Delhi,2005.
Best paper for the Paper on "Impact of Urban Water Supply and Sanitation on Health - The case of Chennai" presented in the International Conference on "Urban Planning and Environment - Strategies and Challenges" on Jan 31th and 31st, 2007 at Elphinstone College, Mumbai.
Other Achievements
Invitee to USA, to participate in a four week group programme on “Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection: in April 1992.
Member of Board of Studies, in SDNB Vaishnav College, Quaid-E- Millet College, Chennai.
Paper Setter and Examiner for end semester examinations in Loyola College, Stella Maris college and MCC.
VC nominee as subject expert for recruitment of teaching staff in Ethirai College.
Chaired for the Technical Session in the National Seminar on “Environmental Degradation and its Impact On Society”, Erode Sept. 2004
Chaired Technical Session on Environmental Policy Issues in the All India Econometrics Conference – Jan. 2002
Chaired technical session at the National Seminar on Service Sector Spectrum in the New Millennium held on March 13th and 14th at Periyar University, 2008.
Resource person for Refresher Courses for College/ University teachers on themes related to Environmental Economics during 1996-2012 Annamalai University (2004) and University of Madras 2009, 2012.
Delivered a special Lecture on Environmental Economics in the Refresher Course for economics Teachers orgainsed by University of Madras in September, 2012.
Observer for the two days Workshop on Teaching Economics at +2 Level organised by Department of Economics, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore and Department of Econometrics, University of Madras at Coimbatore on 24.10 2009
Teaching of Economics at Higher Secondary Level” For PG Teachers of Higher Secondary/ Matriculation Schools in Chennai organised by Department of Econometrics, University of Madras on 12. 09 2009.
Resource person in Economics for a "Training Programme in economics to Higher Secondary Plus two School Teachers" conducted at Government Higher Secondary School, Ashoknagar Chennai during 12 09. 2009.
Orientation cum Refresher Course for the newly recruited Government College Teachers in Economics organised by Department of Econometrics, University of Madras on Department of Econometrics, University of Madras on 28.07 2009.
Resource Person for “Training Programme to I.E.S. Officers” Conducted by National Maritime University, Chennai, held on 13th Februray, 2009.
Resource person in Economics for a "Training Programme in economics to Higher Secondary Plus two School Teachers" conducted at Government Higher Secondary School, Kodambakkam, Chennai during September 2008.
Delivered a special lecture on Environmental Economics, in the Staff Development Programme organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chennai, for polytechnic teachers from Andhra Pradesh, held on 12.10.07
Delivered a special lecture on Environmental Economics in the Staff Development Programme organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, (NITTTR) Chennai, for polytechnic teachers, held on 9th August 2007.
Special lecture on Environmental Economics for the Advanced Certificate Course on “Environmental Management for Sustainable Development”, conducted for overseas teachers, by NITTTR, held on 12th February 2007.
Delivered a special lecture on Environmental Economics for the Advanced Certificate Course on “Environmental Management for Sustainable Development”, conducted for overseas teachers, by NITTTR, held on 23rd January 2007.