Meenakshi College for Women (Autonomous)
Kodambakkam, Chennai 600 024
(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology Laboratories
The Department of Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology has 2 laboratories and maintains a museum with rare artefacts.
Some of the important equipment in the 2 laboratories and in the shared Biochemistry laboratories are:
Laminar Air Flow Chamber
Remi-Quick Freeze
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
Weighing Balance
Remi-Cooling Centrifuge
Table-top Centrifuge
Centrifuge – Remi Model-R
Flame Photometer
Digital Weighing Balance
Store room
BOD incubator
Digital table-top Balance
Digital Spectrophotometer
Tissue homogenizer to grind tissues
Inverted Trinocular Tissue Culture Microscope
Rotary shaker for Mixing and development of cultures
Fluorimeter for measurement of fluorescence
UV – Transilluminator for visualization of nucleic acids / proteins under UV radiation
Binocular Research Microscope (high magnification)
Medical microscope
Visible Spectrophotometer (imported – USA Spectronic 20D)
Weswax Inverted tissue culture Trinocular Microscope with KNEOWA Optics and digital photo micrographic equipment
Advanced Research Trinocular microscope with phase contrast equipment - 2
ELISA plate reader and TVS proton printer
Thin Layer chromatography
pH meter
Hot plat with thermostat
Immunoelectrophoretic apparatus
Muffle furnace
Water bath
Electrophoretic apparatus (vertical)
Kjeldahl apparatus
Research Projects
# | Project Title | Project Type | Funding Agency | Fund | Years | Principal Investigator |
1 | Background Radiation survey in and around Koodankulam | Minor Research Project | Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India | Rs. 54,000/- | 1987-88 | Dr. Lakshmi K. S. |
2 | Radon, Thoron measurement in dwelling of Madras City | Major Research Project | Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India | Rs. 3,50,000/- | 1989-92 | Dr. Lakshmi K. S. |
3 | Background Radiation Survey along the East Coast of Tamilnadu | Major Research Project | Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India | Rs. 6,04,400/- | 1992-95 | Dr. Lakshmi K. S. |
4 | Characterization of blood under storage by spectral measurements | Minor Research Project | UGC | Rs. 74,800/- | 2005-07 | Dr. Sankari G. |
5 | Studies on the Environmental Radiation along the East Coast of Tamil Nadu after Tsunami | Major Research Project | Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India | Rs. 15,00,000/- | 2007-12 | Dr. Lakshmi K. S. |
6 | Effectiveness of Environmental Management Systems in Industry | Minor Research Project | UGC | Rs. 42,500/- | 2008-10 | Dr. Geetha R. |
7 | Methodology Issues Pertaining to Provision of Micro Credit and Designing of Livelihood to Borrowers in Tamil Nadu | Major Research Project | UGC | Rs. 5,63,700/- | 2011-12 | Dr. Lavanya Vedagiri Rao |
8 | Socio Economic Impact of TB on Public Health - A Mathematical Model | Minor Research Project | UGC | Rs. 40,000/- | 2005-07 | Dr. Geetha P. V. |
9 | Effective Management of Campus Waste and Creating Awareness of Vermiculture through Demonstration Pits | Minor Research Project | UGC | Rs. 65,000/- | 2006-08 | Dr. Sethukarasi C. |
10 | Impact of Natural Disaster on Women in Tamil Nadu with Special Reference to Tsunami 2004 (An Explorative Study) | Minor Research Project | UGC | Rs. 65,000/- | 2004-06 | Ms. Radhamani P. V. |
11 | A study of the Socio Economic Profile of Slums in Chennai City | Minor Research Project | Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust | Rs. 50,000/- | 2001-02 | Ms. Kalyani K. N. |
12 | A Study of Inter District Disparities in Tamil Nadu | Minor Research Project | Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust | Rs. 50,000/- | 2002-03 | Dr. Karpagam M. |
13 | A Study of Thiru Vi. Ka. Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai | Minor Research Project | Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust | Rs. 50,000/- | 2003-04 | Dr. Karpagam M. |
14 | A Study of Health care Provision in Tamil Nadu | Minor Research Project | Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust | Rs. 50,000/- | 2004-05 | Ms. Kalyani K. N. |
15 | Status of Infrastructural Facilities in neighbourhood development – A Case Study of Kodambakkam and Vadapalani | Minor Research Project | Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust | Rs. 50,000/- | 2005-06 | Ms. Padma N. |
16 | A Study on the Status of Elderly in India | Minor Research Project | Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust | Rs. 35,000/- | 2006-07 | Ms. Kalyani K. N. |
17 | A Study on the Impact of Students’ Socio Economic Background on Educational Attainment | Minor Research Project | Malcolm & Elizabeth Adhiseshaiah Trust | Rs. 15,000/- | 2007-08 | Dr. Karpagam M. |
18 | Environmental Policy For Water Pollution Abatement – An Asian Perspective | Minor Research Project | UGC | Rs. 70,000/- | 2008-09 | Dr. Karpagam M. |